Author: Albà, A.
Paper Title Page
OPAL for Self-Consistent Start-to-End Simulation of Undulator-Based Facilities  
  • A. Albà, A. Adelmann
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • A. Fallahi
    ETH Zurich, Photonics Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland
  The Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library (OPAL), a parallel open source tool for charged-particle optics is augmented with a new flavor OPAL-FEL. With OPAL-FEL we solve the electromagnetic potential equations in free-space for radiating particles propagating along an undulator using an FDTD/PIC scheme. We present results of two benchmark [1] studies where OPAL-FEL simulations are compared to experimental results. Both experiments are about electron beamlines where the longitudinal phase space is modulated with a short magnetic wiggler. To our knowledge, this is the only beam dynamics model that allows a start-to-end simulation of FELs, in a fully 3D fashion including radiation.
[1] arXiv:2112.02316 (
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