Author: Chang, T.H.
Paper Title Page
Multiobjective Optimization of the LCLS-II Photoinjector  
  • N.R. Neveu
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • T.H. Chang, S.T.P. Hudson, J.M. Larson
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  • P.L. Franz
    Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
  Genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization are currently the most widely used optimization algorithms in the accelerator physics community. These algorithms can take many evaluations to find optimal solutions for one machine prototype. In this work, the LCLS-II photoinjector is optimized with three optimization algorithms: a genetic algorithm, a surrogate based algorithm, and a multi-start scalarization method. All three algorithms were able to optimize the photoinjector, with various trade-offs for each method discussed here.  
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