Author: Dickerson, C.
Paper Title Page
Advances in the ATLAS Accelerator  
  • M.P. Kelly, C. Dickerson, B.M. Guilfoyle, M.R. Hendricks, M. Kedzie, T.B. Petersen, T. Reid
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  Funding: DOE-NP
The ATLAS Superconducting Linac at Argonne National Laboratory is a leading facility for nuclear reaction and structure studies, providing ion beams over the full mass range to a community of users from the US and abroad. The technology of ATLAS has been continuously upgraded since commissioning in 1978 and has remained at the forefront of superconducting linac development, especially for low-beta Linacs, for more than four decades. We present an overview of the present state ATLAS superconducting technology, the latest approaches for superconducting cavity cryomodules commissioned within the last 10 years and the outlook and potential impact of transformative new technologies to low-beta ion accelerators.
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