Paper | Title | Page |
WEPA81 | Time-Resolved Experiments at NSLS II: Motivation and Machine Capabilities | 826 |
NSLS-II is a 3-GeV third-generation synchrotron light source at Brookhaven National Lab. The storage ring has been in routine operations for over six years and hosts 28 operating beamlines. The storage ring performance has continuously improved, including 500-mA with limited insertion devices closed, and routine 400-mA top off operation with 90% uniform filling pattern. Recently, we are exploring different operation modes, uniform multi single-bunch mode, and camshaft mode with a high single-bunch charge, to support timing-resolved user experiments. In this paper, we explore the potential for scientific experiments using the pulsed nature of the NSLS, summarize the user requirements on the beam parameters and the progress of accelerator studies. | ||
DOI • | reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2022-WEPA81 | |
About • | Received ※ 04 August 2022 — Revised ※ 12 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 22 August 2022 | |
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Recent Developments of the Soft X-ray Beam Position Monitor Project | |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. A novel soft X-ray BPM (sXBPM) for high-power white beams of undulator radiation is being developed through a joint effort of BNL/NSLS-II and Stony Brook University. In our approach, custom-made multi-pixel GaAs detector arrays are placed into the outer portions of the x-ray beam, and the beam position is inferred from the pixel photocurrents. In this paper, we present a brief overview and the most recent developments in our project. To date, the mechanical design of the system is completed and most of the vacuum and mechanical components have been installed into the 23-ID canted undulator beamline first optical enclosure. The remainder of the system, including the detector arrays, are being installed during the upcoming NSLS-II machine shutdown. The GaAs detectors have been designed, fabricated, and tested in the visible range with a high-power Ar-ion laser as well as in the soft and hard x-ray regions at two NSLS-II beamlines. |
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Slides THZE5 [5.884 MB] | |
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