Paper | Title | Page |
Progress on the Electron-Ion Collider | |
Funding: DOE-NP We will be reporting on the progress of the design and preparatory R&D for the Electron-Ion Collider. |
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Accelerator Science and Technology via Inventive Principles of TRIZ | |
A swift overview of modern areas of accelerator physics and technology presented via and connected through inventive principles of TRIZ, the industrial methodology of inventiveness. A wide range of topics, such as synchrotron radiation, electron cooling, plasma acceleration, are introduced via easy-to-follow back-of-the-envelope derivations. These are connected via canonical yet adjusted for science TRIZ inventive principles and laws, illustrated by numerous inventions such as fiber lasers, tune jumps, inverted guns, and others. This short tutorial introduces a new approach which amalgamates science and industrial inventiveness, enhances creativity, and boosts innovations towards developing the next generations of accelerators and their applications. | ||
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Slides WEXE1 [16.003 MB] | |
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WEPA15 | High-Field Design Concept for Second Interaction Region of the Electron-Ion Collider | 648 |
Funding: Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177, Contract No. DE-SC0012704 and Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Efficient realization of the scientific potential of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) calls for addition of a future second Interaction Region (2nd IR) and a detector in the RHIC IR8 region after the EIC project completion. The second IR and detector are needed to independently cross-check the results of the first detector, and to provide measurements with complementary acceptance. The available space in the existing RHIC IR8 and maximum fields achievable with NbTi superconducting magnet technology impose constraints on the 2nd IR performance. Since commissioning of the 2nd IR is envisioned in a few years after the first IR, such a long time frame allows for more R&D on the Nb3Sn magnet technology. Thus, it could provide a potential alternative technology choice for the 2nd IR magnets. Presently, we are exploring its potential benefits for the 2nd IR performance, such as improvement of the luminosity and acceptance, and are also assessing the technical risks associated with use of Nb3Sn magnets. In this paper, we present the current progress of this work. |
DOI • | reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2022-WEPA15 | |
About • | Received ※ 04 August 2022 — Revised ※ 11 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 17 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 31 August 2022 | |
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