- T. Konomi, W. Hartung, S.H. Kim, S.J. Miller, D.G. Morris, J.T. Popielarski, K. Saito, A. Taylor, T. Xu
FRIB, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
- C. Adolphsen, J.W. Lewellen
SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
- S. Gatzmaga, P. Murcek, R. Xiang
HZDR, Dresden, Germany
- M.P. Kelly, T.B. Petersen
ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) electron guns are attractive for delivery of beams at a high bunch repetition rate with a high accelerating field. An SRF gun is the most suitable injector for the high-energy upgrade of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS-II-HE), which will produce high-energy X-rays at high repetition rate. An SRF gun is being developed for LCLS-II-HE as a collaborative effort by FRIB, HZDR, ANL, and SLAC. The cavity operating frequency is 185.7 MHz, and the target accelerating field at the photocathode is 30 MV/m. The photocathode is replaceable. The cathode is held by a fixture (’cathode stalk’) that is designed for thermal isolation and particle-free cathode exchange. The stalk must allow for precise alignment of the cathode position, cryogenic or room-temperature cathode operating temperature, and DC bias to inhibit multipacting. We are planning a test of the stalk to confirm that the design meets the requirements for RF power dissipation and biasing. In this presentation, we will describe the cathode stalk design and RF/DC stalk test plan.