Author: Ody, A.
Paper Title Page
TUPA77 X-Band Harmonic Longitudinal Phase Space Linearization at the PEGASUS Photoinjector 508
  • P.E. Denham, P. Musumeci, A. Ody
    UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  Due to the finite bunch length, photoemitted electron beams sample RF-nonlinearities that lead to energy-time correlations along the bunch temporal profile. This is an important effect for all applications where the projected energy spread is important. In particular, for time-resolved single shot electron microscopy, it is critical to keep the beam energy spread below 1·10-4 to avoid chromatic aberrations in the lenses. Higher harmonic RF cavities can be used to compensate for the RF-induced longitudinal phase space nonlinearities. Start-to-end simulations suggest that this type of compensation can reduce energy spread to the 1·10-5 level. This work is an experimental study of x-band harmonic linearization of a beam longitudinal phase space at the PEGASUS facility, including developing high-resolution spectrometer diagnostics to verify the scheme.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2022-TUPA77  
About • Received ※ 25 July 2022 — Revised ※ 04 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 09 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 10 August 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)  
THZE4 Experimental Characterization of Gas Sheet Transverse Profile Diagnostic 907
  • N. Burger, G. Andonian, D.I. Gavryushkin, T.J. Hodgetts, A.-L.M.S. Lamure, M. Ruelas
    RadiaBeam, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • N.M. Cook, A. Diaw
    RadiaSoft LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • P.E. Denham, P. Musumeci, A. Ody
    UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  • N.P. Norvell
    UCSC, Santa Cruz, California, USA
  • C.P. Welsch, M. Yadav
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • C.P. Welsch
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  Transverse profile diagnostics for high-intensity beams require solutions that are non-intercepting and single-shot. In this paper, we describe a gas-sheet ionization diagnostic that employs a precision-shaped, neutral gas jet. As the high-intensity beam passes through the gas sheet, neutral particles are ionized. The ionization products are transported and imaged on a detector. A neural-network based reconstruction algorithm, trained on simulation data, then outputs the initial transverse conditions of the beam prior to ionization. The diagnostic is also adaptable to image the photons from recombination. Preliminary tests at low energy are presented to characterize the working principle of the instrument, including comparisons to existing diagnostics. The results are parametrized as a function of beam charge, spot size, and bunch length.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-NAPAC2022-THZE4  
About • Received ※ 02 August 2022 — Revised ※ 09 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 10 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 09 October 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)